Monday, October 02, 2006

Forces of Nature

Typhoon Milenyo (international name Xangsane), dropped by Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon last Thursday, leaving behind fallen billboards, overturned trucks, uprooted trees, and almost a hundred people dead and thousands more displaced from their homes.

Our ceiling during the typhoon:

..with every strong gust of wind, the ceiling heaved and hoed and we honestly thought the whole building was gonna cave in. Well, it turns out it was only the ceiling of some of the units in our building...some architectural defect that the management was supposedly going to sue the contractor for...but of course during the height of the typhoon that was not exactly a comforting thought.

Our ceiling after the typhoon:

...some workers came in to strip the plyboard off the ceiling, so now it's bare and we have the whole "industrial" look going on. We still don't know when exactly they're going to fix the ceiling..."we'll schedule it," management keeps telling us...hopefully it will be before the next big typhoon...

And To Yet Another Force of Nature... came and it went. I am still confused, bewildered by how sudden it came and went, but to everything there has to be a reason. The reason is out there, somewhere. I have no choice now but to say good bye.

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