Sunday, October 17, 2004


Sometimes it all just boils down to faith. Addictions are crutches and vices are the rituals we perform to make things easier. Anything, to make life a bit easier.

"I can't tell you how to get there, but you know where to go."
-- Fait, character played by DMZ, Cradle 2 the Grave
Or something like that. I was watching HBO, that's why. In any case, there's no clear coherent emotionally honest artistic thought in me, so there goes this blog. This blog is going the way of song lyrics and misquoted movie lines.

Movies I want to watch (but haven't):
  1. Chasing Amy
  2. The Professional
  3. My Sassy Girl
  4. Me without you
  5. Chungking Express
  6. Before Sunrise

Adventure of the week:

Cynical post of the week:

There are times for beginnings, and time for endings. In a relationship, there are two synergies working. And when one bogs down, there's never really any guarantee that the relationship will still work. Such is life, such is being human. We're not ducks, we don't mate for life. We mate for convenience, and for the comfort of having someone to blame when all else fails.

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