Friday, January 21, 2005

Comings and Goings

Traffic on the way to Makati.

For some reason, Osmena Avenue going towards South Super Highway has been experiencing extremely slow traffic around 1-3PM. If I'm driving a car, it can sometimes take me 20 minutes to get to this area, and 30 minutes waiting to get out of the area. What causes the traffic? I don't know. It's one of the mysteries of life.

Lights on the way homePosted by Hello

This is Malacanang Bridge near Nagtahan. They've installed lights on the bridge that change color every few seconds, from white to purple to blue to yellow to red. They're quite different, and maybe, you can argue that they're aesthetically pleasing. But still, it makes you wonder, how much do these lights cost? Is this where my tax money goes? To techni-color bridge lights?

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