Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Mr. Sandman, Bring Me A Dream

"If you want something you never had in your life, you must do something you have never done."

I remember reading this somewhere before, and just now I read it in a friend's hi5 profile. Well, the quote just struck me. If you're in a rut, and you keep on doing the same things, how can you expect to get out of that rut?

That friend is actually into selling Bel'Air Aromatherapy products, so his profile includes segueing to earning more while selling Bel'Air! Nevertheless, I'd still like to share excerpts from his profile...

[hi5 profile]
I'd Like to Meet I want to meet those who are ready to RECAPTURE their BIG DREAMS in life. Try to look back to the BIG DREAMS of your childhood. Whatever happened to those BIG DREAMS? For most people, those BIG DREAMS got smaller and smaller as they realize that they have NO financial capabilities to attain those dreams. So, INSTEAD of working it out to INCREASE the wallet, people just DECREASE their dreams....

Well, isn't that true. It's sometimes sad that as a sign of maturity, one learns the art of letting go. One learns to kill the urge to dream, to temper hope with reality, to "adjust" the dream to fit the wallet, so to speak. Though compromises are a part of life, there are moments when one is no longer sure what the real dream was in the first place. Everything has been changed, revised, edited, censored. And we're just here, surviving, day to day.

But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

-- Cat Stevens, "Father and Son"

Hope floats, so Sandra Bullock's movie says. This post is for all the dreams that were ever dreamt, and all the love that was ever spent. For soaring dreams, precious moments, overwhelming passion and endless new beginnings.

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