Sunday, July 25, 2004

Dead Ducks

I am smellin' like the rose
that somebody gave me
'cause I'm dead & bloated

-- Stone Temple Pilots song

In a way, I am dead. So many things to do and yet, did I do anything? Did I even enjoy myself while I was not doing anything?

Let's see, this weekend, I managed to watch Imelda (a good film) by myself, had coffee and drinks and lunch and dessert and dinner with friends. I had a good night's sleep. Except for tonight of course, since I'm worried sick. All throughout this weekend, one thought keeps rushing through my brain. I'm a dead duck.

To be a success, you must be like a duck. On the surface be calm and serene, but underneath, paddle like hell.

I like that quote. And well, as cliches go, hope springs eternal. So if it's not yet the end, it's not. And ... I'm actually bigger and better than any so-called accomplishments and criterion. Or so I wish. As I said, hope springs eternal.

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