Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I Got Sick

What a creative title. I got sick. :) But as in, I really got sick. Monday night, while on a jeep on the way home, I was almost shivering because I felt so cold. As soon as I got home, I downed Vitamin-C and Biogesic Paracetamol tablets, gave myself a sponge bath, and tried to sleep away my fever. To no avail, I might add. I lay in bed for almost three hours, counting down from 800 to 1 in an effort to fall asleep. I read somewhere before that one of the effective methods to get down to a trance-like (and therefore sleep-like) state was to count downwards -- it wasn't as easy as counting up from 1 to 100, so you'd be concentrating more on the next number thus you'll be able to easily block out other thoughts from your mind. Unfortunately, I must be terrible at entering trance-like states, and my mind kept straying. I kept thinking of crazy reasons why I got sick.

Must be the new shoes...maybe the height of the heels had something to do with it....
Or it must have been the cold pizza I ate...
Or the reheated fried chicken I had for dinner...salmonella anyone?
Or maybe it was because I was allergic to the hair dye? Duh?

And the list went on and on. My thoughts even strayed to wedding gowns and dresses and churches and beaches and what would I wear on my wedding day and would I even get married and maybe I should try to migrate and but I'm too lazy now to uproot myself and if I migrate I have to finish my thesis and how did robin feel when he had to rush me to the hospital and why did the chicken cross the damn road?

And so in my delusional state, I wrapped myself tightly in my blanket, with all of the windows in my room tightly shut. I was cold, and yet I could really feel that my fever was burning hot. I was able to fall asleep eventually, and when I woke up, my head still ached and I still felt woozy. But I promised my boss I would go to work, especially since we also had to shoot the video that he would be using for a presentation next week. So despite my terrible state, I still went to work. Which is quite ironic, since this is the time that I'm really sick, and yet this is the time I don't use my sick leave. Wait, did I just admit that I'm not really that sick when I use my sick leaves? Oops...

So now, it's Wednesday. I feel much better now, just a nagging cough remains to remind me of that night. I think I'm still not over it yet, my throat still feels clogged and if I think too hard, my head aches. Haha. Just perfect. Could I use that as an excuse to slack off? =)

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