Friday, June 04, 2010

God Knows Hudas Not Pay

Look what I found while taking a walk down a QC street. A poster for Termicon! The termite specialist that did not honor their commitment to us.

"Free inspection" my ass. It's not our (the customer's) fault that one of their employees became "rogue" and allegedly sprayed our house on his own, pocketed the money, and refused to do the follow-up services. We (the customer) contacted them through their legitimate numbers, and thus were expecting that it was the legitimate company who we were transacting with.

I hope people google them and find this! How did they fool us? Read this! Hmph! Government could not help us, but at least there's the internet where we can spread the word. Don't be fooled, don't transact with shady termite exterminators like Termicon!

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